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Int J Parasitol ; 2024 Apr 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38575051


Mites of the family Syringophilidae (Acariformes: Prostigmata: Cheyletoidea) are permanent and obligatory parasites of birds. This study presents an analysis of mite material collected from 22 avian species belonging to the family Paradisaeidae (Passeriformes), revealing the presence of four mite species belonging to four genera: Syringophiloidus attenboroughi n. sp., Peristerophila regiusi n. comb., Picobia frankei, and Gunabopicobia garylarsoni. In the present work, the genus Neoperisterophila is synonymized with the genus Peristerophila. While the genera Syringophiloidus and Picobia were expectedly found on paradisaeid birds, given their prevalence in passerines, the presence of Peristerophila and Gunabopicobia was intriguing, suggesting potential host-switching events. The specificity of these mites varies, with some showing occurrence on hosts of closely related genera and others infesting phylogenetically distant hosts. Notably, the distribution of specific mite species on the Birds-of-Paradise appears to be influenced by both long coevolutionary histories and incidental contacts between often unrelated or intergeneric hybrid species of paradisaeid birds. Furthermore, our research of 104 specimens from 22 Birds-of-Paradise species shows generally low infestation rates across the studied species, suggesting a nuanced interaction between these mites and their avian hosts. Additionally, our network analysis provides a deeper understanding of these host-parasite interactions, revealing a high level of specialization and complexity in these ecological relationships.

Conserv Biol ; : e14250, 2024 Mar 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38477227


Tropical species richness is threatened by habitat degradation associated with land-use conversion, yet the consequences for functional diversity remain little understood. Progress has been hindered by difficulties in obtaining comprehensive species-level trait information to characterize entire assemblages and insufficient appreciation that increasing land-cover heterogeneity potentially compensates for species loss. We examined the impacts of tropical deforestation associated with land-use heterogeneity on bird species richness, functional redundancy, functional diversity, and associated components (i.e., alpha diversity, species dissimilarity, and interaction strength of the relationship between abundance and functional dissimilarity). We analyzed over 200 georeferenced bird assemblages in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. We characterized the functional role of the species of each assemblage and modeled biodiversity metrics as a function of forest cover and land-cover heterogeneity. Replacement of native Atlantic Forest with a mosaic of land uses (e.g., agriculture, pastures, and urbanization) reduced bird species richness in a nonrandom way. Core forest species, or species considered sensitive to edges, tended to be absent in communities in heterogenous environments. Overall, functional diversity and functional redundancy of bird species were not affected by forest loss. However, birds in highly heterogenous habitats were functionally distinct from birds in forest, suggesting a shift in community composition toward mosaic-exclusive species led by land-cover heterogeneity. Threatened species of the Atlantic Forest did not seem to tolerate degraded and heterogeneous environments; they remained primarily in areas with large forest tracts. Our results shed light on the complex effects of native forest transformation to mosaics of anthropogenic landscapes and emphasize the importance of considering the effects of deforestation and land-use heterogeneity when assessing deforestation effects on Neotropical biodiversity.

Pérdida de especies y funciones en un bosque tropical megadiverso deforestado Resumen La riqueza de especies tropicales está amenazada por la degradación asociada con la conversión del uso de suelo, y aun así entendemos muy poco de las consecuencias que esto tiene para la diversidad funcional. El progreso está obstaculizado por las dificultades para obtener información completa de los rasgos a nivel de especie para caracterizar ensamblajes completos y la apreciación insuficiente de que la heterogeneidad creciente de la cobertura del suelo tiene el potencial para compensar la pérdida de especies. Analizamos el impacto que tiene la deforestación tropical asociada con la heterogeneidad del uso de suelo sobre la riqueza de especies de aves, la redundancia funcional, la diversidad funcional y sus componentes asociados (es decir, diversidad alfa, disimilitud de especies y fuerza de interacción de la relación entre la abundancia y la disimilitud funcional). Analizamos más de 200 ensamblajes georreferenciados de aves en el Bosque Atlántico de Brasil. Caracterizamos el papel funcional de las especies de cada ensamblaje y modelamos las medidas de biodiversidad como función de la cobertura forestal y de la heterogeneidad del uso de suelo. La sustitución del Bosque Atlántico nativo con un mosaico de usos de suelo (p. ej.: agricultura, pastura y urbanización) redujo la riqueza de especies de una manera no aleatoria. Las especies nucleares del bosque, o las especies consideradas como sensibles a los bordes, tendieron a estar ausentes en las comunidades de los ambientes heterogéneas. En general, la diversidad y la redundancia funcionales de las especies de aves no se vieron afectadas por la pérdida del bosque. Sin embargo, las aves en los hábitats con alta heterogeneidad eran funcionalmente distintas a las aves de los bosques, lo que sugiere un cambio en la composición x de la comunidad hacia especies exclusivas de mosaicos llevadas por la heterogeneidad de la cobertura del suelo. Las especies amenazadas del Bosque Atlántico no parecieron tolerar el ambiente degradado y heterogéneo pues permanecieron principalmente en las áreas con grandes extensiones de bosque. Nuestros resultados arrojan luz sobre los efectos complejos de la transformación de los bosques nativos en mosaicos de paisajes antropogénicos y recalcan la importancia de considerar los efectos de la deforestación y la heterogeneidad del uso de suelo cuando se evalúan los efectos de la deforestación sobre la biodiversidad neotropical.

J Comp Neurol ; 532(3): e25602, 2024 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38483002


The orexinergic/hypocretinergic system, while having several roles, appears to be a key link in the balance between arousal and food intake. In birds, to date, this system has only been examined anatomically in four species, all with brains smaller than 3.5 g and of limited phylogenetic range. Here, using orexin-A immunohistochemistry, we describe the distribution, morphology, and nuclear parcellation of orexinergic neurons within the hypothalami of a Congo gray and a Timneh gray parrot, a pied crow, an emu, and a common ostrich. These birds represent a broad phylogeny, with brains ranging in size from 7.85 to 26.5 g. Within the hypothalami of the species studied, the orexinergic neurons were organized in two clusters, and a densely packed paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus cluster located within the medial hypothalamus (Hyp), but not contacting the ventricle, and a more loosely packed lateral hypothalamic cluster in the lateral Hyp. Stereological analysis revealed a strong correlation, using phylogenetic generalized least squares regression analyses, between brain mass and the total number of orexinergic neurons, as well as soma parameters such as volume and area. Orexinergic axonal terminals evinced two types of boutons, larger and the smaller en passant boutons. Unlike the orexinergic system in mammals, which has several variances in cluster organization, that of the birds studied, in the present and previous studies, currently shows organizational invariance, despite the differences in brain and body mass, phylogenetic relationships, and life-histories of the species studied.

Neuropeptídeos , Animais , Neuropeptídeos/metabolismo , Filogenia , Neurônios/metabolismo , Orexinas , Encéfalo/metabolismo , Hipotálamo/metabolismo , Aves , Mamíferos
Conserv Biol ; : e14255, 2024 Mar 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38488338


Bird collisions with buildings are responsible for a large number of bird deaths in cities around the world, yet they remain poorly studied outside North America. We conducted one of the first citywide fine-scale and landscape-scale analyses of bird-building collisions in Asia and used maximum entropy modeling (as commonly applied to species distribution modeling) in a novel way to assess the drivers of bird-building collisions in the tropical city-state of Singapore. We combined 7 years of community science observations with publicly available building and remote sensing data. Drivers of bird-building collisions varied among taxa. Some migratory taxa had a higher relative collision risk that was linked to areas with high building densities and high levels of nocturnal blue light pollution. Nonmigratory taxa had a higher collision risk in areas near forest cover. Projecting our results onto official long-term land-use plans, we predicted that future increases in bird-building collision risk stemmed from increases in blue light pollution and encroachment of buildings into forested areas and identified 6 potential collision hotspots linked to future developments. Our results suggest that bird-building collision mitigation measures need to account for the different drivers of collision for resident and migratory species and show that combining community science and ecological modeling can be a powerful approach for analyzing bird-building collision data.

Modelos de nicho ecológico para esclarecer los causantes bióticos y abióticos de las colisiones entre aves y edificios en una ciudad tropical asiática Resumen Las colisiones entre aves y edificios son causa de un gran número de muertes en todas las ciudades del mundo, y aun así se estudian muy poco fuera de América del Norte. Realizamos uno de los primeros análisis a escala fina y a escala de paisaje en una ciudad asiática y usamos el modelo de entropía máxima (como se aplica con frecuencia a los modelos de distribución de especies) de manera novedosa para analizar los causantes de estas colisiones en Singapur, una ciudad-estado tropical. Combinamos siete años de observaciones de ciencia comunitaria con los datos públicos de teledetección y construcción. Los causantes de las colisiones entre aves y edificios variaron entre taxones. Algunos taxones migratorios tuvieron un riesgo de colisión relativamente más alto relacionado con áreas de alta densidad de edificios y niveles elevados de contaminación lumínica de luz azul nocturna. Los taxones no migratorios tuvieron un riesgo de colisión más elevado en las áreas cercanas a la cobertura forestal. Con la proyección de nuestros resultados sobre los planes oficiales de uso de suelo a largo plazo, pronosticamos que el incremento en el futuro de colisiones entre aves y edificios vendrá del incremento en la contaminación de luz azul y la invasión de edificios en las áreas forestales; también identificamos seis potenciales puntos calientes de colisión relacionados a futuros desarrollos inmobiliarios. Nuestros resultados sugieren que para mitigar estas colisiones se necesita considerar los diferentes causantes de dichas colisiones para las especies migratorias y residentes y también muestran que la combinación de la ciencia comunitaria y los modelos ecológicos puede ser una estrategia poderosa para analizar los datos de colisiones entre aves y edificios.

BMC Ecol Evol ; 24(1): 20, 2024 Feb 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38336630


BACKGROUND: Living birds comprise the most speciose and anatomically diverse clade of flying vertebrates, but their poor early fossil record and the lack of resolution around the relationships of the major clades have greatly obscured extant avian origins. RESULTS: Here, I describe a Late Cretaceous bird from North America based on a fragmentary skeleton that includes cranial material and portions of the forelimb, hindlimb, and foot and is identified as a juvenile based on bone surface texture. Several features unite this specimen with crown Aves, but its juvenile status precludes the recognition of a distinct taxon. The North American provenance of the specimen supports a cosmopolitan distribution of early crown birds, clashes with the hypothesized southern hemisphere origins of living birds, and demonstrates that crown birds and their closest relatives coexisted with non-avian dinosaurs that independently converged on avian skeletal anatomy, such as the alvarezsaurids and dromaeosaurids. CONCLUSIONS: By revealing the ecological and biogeographic context of Cretaceous birds within or near the crown clade, the Lance Formation specimen provides new insights into the contingent nature of crown avian survival through the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction and the subsequent origins of living bird diversity.

Dinossauros , Animais , Dinossauros/anatomia & histologia , Filogenia , Ecossistema , Aves/anatomia & histologia , América do Norte , Crânio/anatomia & histologia
J Comp Neurol ; 532(2): e25587, 2024 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38335048


We examined the presence/absence and parcellation of cholinergic neurons in the hypothalami of five birds: a Congo grey parrot (Psittacus erithacus), a Timneh grey parrot (P. timneh), a pied crow (Corvus albus), a common ostrich (Struthio camelus), and an emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae). Using immunohistochemistry to an antibody raised against the enzyme choline acetyltransferase, hypothalamic cholinergic neurons were observed in six distinct clusters in the medial, lateral, and ventral hypothalamus in the parrots and crow, similar to prior observations made in the pigeon. The expression of cholinergic nuclei was most prominent in the Congo grey parrot, both in the medial and lateral hypothalamus. In contrast, no evidence of cholinergic neurons in the hypothalami of either the ostrich or emu was found. It is known that the expression of sleep states in the ostrich is unusual and resembles that observed in the monotremes that also lack hypothalamic cholinergic neurons. It has been proposed that the cholinergic system acts globally to produce and maintain brain states, such as those of arousal and rapid-eye-movement sleep. The hiatus in the cholinergic system of the ostrich, due to the lack of hypothalamic cholinergic neurons, may explain, in part, the unusual expression of sleep states in this species. These comparative anatomical and sleep studies provide supportive evidence for global cholinergic actions and may provide an important framework for our understanding of one broad function of the cholinergic system and possible dysfunctions associated with global cholinergic neural activity.

Dromaiidae , Struthioniformes , Animais , Dromaiidae/metabolismo , Struthioniformes/metabolismo , Encéfalo/metabolismo , Hipotálamo/metabolismo , Neurônios Colinérgicos/metabolismo , Sono/fisiologia , Colinérgicos , Colina O-Acetiltransferase/metabolismo
J Evol Biol ; 37(2): 171-188, 2024 Feb 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38305563


When a single species evolves into multiple descendent species, some parts of the genome can play a key role in the evolution of reproductive isolation while other parts flow between the evolving species via interbreeding. Genomic evolution during the speciation process is particularly interesting when major components of the genome-for instance, sex chromosomes vs. autosomes vs. mitochondrial DNA-show widely differing patterns of relationships between three diverging populations. The golden-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia atricapilla) and the white-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys) are phenotypically differentiated sister species that are largely reproductively isolated despite possessing similar mitochondrial genomes, likely due to recent introgression. We assessed variation in more than 45,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms to determine the structure of nuclear genomic differentiation between these species and between two hybridizing subspecies of Z. leucophrys. The two Z. leucophrys subspecies show moderate levels of relative differentiation and patterns consistent with a history of recurrent selection in both ancestral and daughter populations, with much of the sex chromosome Z and a large region on the autosome 1A showing increased differentiation compared to the rest of the genome. The two species Z. leucophrys and Z. atricapilla show high relative differentiation and strong heterogeneity in the level of differentiation among various chromosomal regions, with a large portion of the sex chromosome (Z) showing highly divergent haplotypes between these species. Studies of speciation often emphasize mitochondrial DNA differentiation, but speciation between Z. atricapilla and Z. leucophrys appears primarily associated with Z chromosome divergence and more moderately associated with autosomal differentiation, whereas mitochondria are highly similar due apparently to recent introgression. These results add to the growing body of evidence for highly heterogeneous patterns of genomic differentiation during speciation, with some genomic regions showing a lack of gene flow between populations many hundreds of thousands of years before other genomic regions.

Pardais , Animais , Pardais/genética , Genética Populacional , Especiação Genética , Cromossomos Sexuais/genética , Fluxo Gênico , DNA Mitocondrial/genética , Mitocôndrias/genética
Evol Lett ; 8(1): 89-100, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38370541


Species are altering their ranges as a response to climate change, but the magnitude and direction of observed range shifts vary considerably among species. The ability to persist in current areas and colonize new areas plays a crucial role in determining which species will thrive and which decline as climate change progresses. Several studies have sought to identify characteristics, such as morphological and life-history traits, that could explain differences in the capability of species to shift their ranges together with a changing climate. These characteristics have explained variation in range shifts only sporadically, thus offering an uncertain tool for discerning responses among species. As long-term selection to past climates have shaped species' tolerances, metrics describing species' contemporary climatic niches may provide an alternative means for understanding responses to on-going climate change. Species that occur in a broader range of climatic conditions may hold greater tolerance to climatic variability and could therefore more readily maintain their historical ranges, while species with more narrow tolerances may only persist if they are able to shift in space to track their climatic niche. Here, we provide a first-filter test of the effect of climatic niche dimensions on shifts in the leading range edges in three relatively well-dispersing species groups. Based on the realized changes in the northern range edges of 383 moth, butterfly, and bird species across a boreal 1,100 km latitudinal gradient over c. 20 years, we show that while most morphological or life-history traits were not strongly connected with range shifts, moths and birds occupying a narrower thermal niche and butterflies occupying a broader moisture niche across their European distribution show stronger shifts towards the north. Our results indicate that the climatic niche may be important for predicting responses under climate change and as such warrants further investigation of potential mechanistic underpinnings.

J Morphol ; 285(2): e21669, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38361271


The three-dimensional configuration of the neck that produces extreme head turn in owls was studied using the Joint Coordinate System. The limits of planar axial rotation (AR), lateral, and sagittal bending in each vertebral joint were measured. They are not extraordinary among birds, except probably for the extended ability for AR. The vertebral joint angles involved in the 360° head turn do not generally exceed the limits of planar mobility. Rotation in one plane does not expand the range of motion in the other, with one probable exception being extended dorsal bending in the middle of the neck. Therefore, the extreme 360° head turn can be presented as a simple combination of the three planar motions in the neck joints. Surprisingly, certain joints are always laterally bent or axially rotated to the opposite side than the head was turned. This allows keeping the anterior part of the neck parallel to the thoracic spine, which probably helps preserve the ability for peering head motions throughout the full head turn. The potential ability of one-joint muscles of the owl neck, the mm. intertransversarii, to ensure the 360° head turn was addressed. It was shown that the 360° head turn does not require these muscles to shorten beyond the known contraction limit of striated vertebrate muscles. Shortening by 50% or less is enough for the mm. intertransversarii in the middle neck region for the 360° head turn. This study has broad implications for further research on vertebral mobility and function in a variety of tetrapods, providing a new method for CT scan-based measurement of intervertebral angles.

Vértebras Cervicais , Estrigiformes , Animais , Vértebras Cervicais/fisiologia , Estrigiformes/fisiologia , Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Pescoço , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X , Rotação , Amplitude de Movimento Articular/fisiologia
Curr Biol ; 34(3): 661-669.e4, 2024 Feb 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38218182


According to classic models of lineage diversification and adaptive radiation, phenotypic evolution should accelerate in the context of ecological opportunity and slow down when niches become saturated.1,2 However, only weak support for these ideas has been found in nature, perhaps because most analyses make the biologically unrealistic assumption that clade members contribute equally to reducing ecological opportunity, even when they occur in different continents or specialize on different habitats and diets. To view this problem through a different lens, we adapted a new phylogenetic modeling approach that accounts for the fact that competition for ecological opportunity only occurs between species that coexist and share similar habitats and diets. Applying this method to trait data for nearly all extant species of landbirds,3 we find a widespread signature of decelerating trait evolution in lineages adapted to similar habitats or diets. The strength of this pattern was consistent across latitudes when comparing tropical and temperate assemblages. Our results provide little support for the idea that increased diversity and tighter packing of niches accentuates evolutionary slowdowns in the tropics and instead suggest that limited ecological opportunity can be an important factor determining the rate of morphological diversification at a global scale.

Evolução Biológica , Aves , Animais , Filogenia , Aves/anatomia & histologia , Ecossistema , Fenótipo
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 121(3): e2309825120, 2024 Jan 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38190528


The impact of sexual selection on the evolution of birds has been widely acknowledged. Although sexual selection has been hypothesized as a driving force in the occurrences of numerous morphological features across theropod evolution, this hypothesis has yet to be comprehensively tested due to challenges in identifying the sex of fossils and by the limited sample size. Confuciusornis sanctus is arguably the best-known early avialan and is represented by thousands of well-preserved specimens from the Early Cretaceous Jehol lagerstätte, which provides us with a chance to decipher the strength of sexual selection on extinct vertebrates. Herein, we present a morphometric study of C. sanctus based on the largest sample size of this taxon collected up to now. Our results indicate that the characteristic elongated paired rectrices is a sexually dimorphic trait and statistically robust inferences of the sexual dimorphism in size, shape, and allometry that have been established, providing the earliest known sexual dimorphism in avian evolution. Our findings suggest that sexual selection, in conjunction with natural selection, does act upon body size and limb length ratio in early birds, thereby promoting a deeper understanding of the role of sexual selection in large-scale phylogenetic evolution.

Fósseis , Seleção Sexual , Animais , Filogenia , Caracteres Sexuais , Tamanho Corporal
Glob Chang Biol ; 30(1): e17119, 2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38273572


Comparative extinction risk analysis-which predicts species extinction risk from correlation with traits or geographical characteristics-has gained research attention as a promising tool to support extinction risk assessment in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. However, its uptake has been very limited so far, possibly because existing models only predict a species' Red List category, without indicating which Red List criteria may be triggered. This prevents such approaches to be integrated into Red List assessments. We overcome this implementation gap by developing models that predict the probability of species meeting individual Red List criteria. Using data on the world's birds, we evaluated the predictive performance of our criterion-specific models and compared it with the typical criterion-blind modelling approach. We compiled data on biological traits (e.g. range size, clutch size) and external drivers (e.g. change in canopy cover) often associated with extinction risk. For each specific criterion, we modelled the relationship between extinction risk predictors and species' Red List category under that criterion using ordinal regression models. We found criterion-specific models were better at identifying threatened species compared to a criterion-blind model (higher sensitivity), but less good at identifying not threatened species (lower specificity). As expected, different covariates were important for predicting extinction risk under different criteria. Change in annual temperature was important for criteria related to population trends, while high forest dependency was important for criteria related to restricted area of occupancy or small population size. Our criteria-specific method can support Red List assessors by producing outputs that identify species likely to meet specific criteria, and which are the most important predictors. These species can then be prioritised for re-evaluation. We expect this new approach to increase the uptake of extinction risk models in Red List assessments, bridging a long-standing research-implementation gap.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Animais , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Extinção Biológica , Florestas , Medição de Risco , Biodiversidade
J Anat ; 244(3): 402-410, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37990985


We report avian cervical vertebrae from the Quercy fissure fillings in France, which are densely covered with villi-like tubercles. Two of these vertebrae stem from a late Eocene site, another lacks exact stratigraphic data. Similar cervical vertebrae occur in avian species from Eocene fossils sites in Germany and the United Kingdom, but the new fossils are the only three-dimensionally preserved vertebrae with pronounced surface sculpturing. So far, the evolutionary significance of this highly bizarre morphology, which is unknown from extant birds, remained elusive, and even a pathological origin was considered. We note the occurrence of similar structures on the skull of the extant African rodent Lophiomys and detail that the tubercles represent true osteological features and characterize a distinctive clade of Eocene birds (Perplexicervicidae). Micro-computed tomography (µCT) shows the tubercles to be associated with osteosclerosis of the cervical vertebrae, which have a very thick cortex and much fewer trabecles and pneumatic spaces than the cervicals of most extant birds aside from some specialized divers. This unusual morphology is likely to have served for strengthening the vertebral spine in the neck region, and we hypothesize that it represents an anti-predator adaptation against the craniocervical killing bite ("neck bite") that evolved in some groups of mammalian predators. Tuberculate vertebrae are only known from the Eocene of Central Europe, which featured a low predation pressure on birds during that geological epoch, as is evidenced by high numbers of flightless avian species. Strengthening of the cranialmost neck vertebrae would have mitigated attacks by smaller predators with weak bite forces, and we interpret these vertebral specializations as the first evidence of "internal bony armor" in birds.

Evolução Biológica , Aves , Animais , Microtomografia por Raio-X , Aves/anatomia & histologia , Vértebras Cervicais/anatomia & histologia , Fósseis , Filogenia , Mamíferos
Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469245


Abstract The northwestern portion of the Upper Paraná Atlantic Forest ecoregion is one of the most disturbed and fragmented areas in the Atlantic Forest, and little is known about the local avifauna. In this study, we have described the composition and diversity of the aquatic avifauna of this region and analyzed the patterns of similarity with respect to the seasonal as well as spatial distribution. We used the line transect sampling technique in six distinct humid areas (including lentic and lotic water bodies) during the dry and rainy seasons of 2012 and 2013. A total of 52 species of waterfowl were recorded. The species richness of the studied areas was surprisingly distinct; only seven waterfowl species, namely Cairina moschata (Linnaeus, 1758), Tigrisoma lineatum (Boddaert, 1783), Rosthramus sociabilis (Vieillot, 1817), Aramus guarauna (Linnaeus, 1766), Vanellus chilensis (Molina, 1782), Jacana jacana (Linnaeus, 1766), and Arundinicola leucocephala (Linnaeus, 1764), were common to these six studied areas. This indicated that the other bird species that were observed might be habitat selective. Moreover, the analysis of the composition of birds in the two seasons (dry and rainy) combined with their spatial distributions showed significant dissimilarities between the areas with lotic (river and constructed wetland) and lentic (lagoons) characteristics. Nevertheless, despite the small extent and low total richness of the entire study area, it was found to be home to 1/3 of all freshwater aquatic birds documented in the state of São Paulo, with the record of 5 migratory species and 11 new species added to the northwest of the state. The heterogeneity of local aquatic environments, habitat selection combined with seasonality, and the absence of other humid locations in the surroundings can explain the diversity and distribution of these birds in the water bodies of this uninvestigated Atlantic Forest ecoregion.

Resumo A porção noroeste da ecorregião Floresta Atlântica do Alto Paraná é uma das mais alteradas e fragmentadas da Mata Atlântica, da qual pouco se sabe sobre a avifauna local. Nosso objetivo foi descrever a diversidade e composição da avifauna aquática, bem como analisar os padrões de similaridade quanto a distribuição temporal e espacial destas aves nesta ecorregião. Utilizamos a transecção linear para amostragem em seis áreas úmidas (corpos dágua lênticos e lóticos), nos períodos de seca e chuva entre 2012 e 2013. Registramos 52 espécies de aves aquáticas e as riquezas das áreas mostraram-se distintas, pois apenas Cairina moschata (Linnaeus, 1758), Tigrisoma lineatum (Boddaert, 1783), Rosthramus sociabilis (Vieillot, 1817), Aramus guarauna (Linnaeus, 1766), Vanellus chilensis (Molina, 1782), Jacana jacana (Linnaeus, 1766), and Arundinicola leucocephala (Linnaeus, 1764) foram comuns às seis áreas, o que indica seleção de habitat. Quando analisada a composição das aves nos dois períodos aliada à distribuição espacial, encontramos dissimilaridades temporais acentuadas entre os ambientes com características lóticas (rio e aterro) e lênticas (lagoas). Isto mostra que, além das diferentes épocas sazonais, é necessário analisar separadamente os diferentes tipos de áreas úmidas. Por fim, apesar da extensão pequena e baixa riqueza total, a área amostrada abrigou 1/3 das aves aquáticas de água doce para o estado de São Paulo, cinco espécies migratórias e 11 novas espécies para o noroeste do estado. A heterogeneidade de ambientes aquáticos locais, forte seleção de habitat aliada à sazonalidade e ausência de outros locais úmidos em seu entorno, explicam a diversidade e distribuição destas aves estreitamente relacionadas aos corpos dágua desta desconhecida ecorregião da Mata Atlântica.

Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469267


Abstract Birds are among the best bio-indicators, which can guide us to recognize some of the main conservation concerns in ecosystems. Anthropogenic impacts such as deforestation, habitat degradation, modification of landscapes, and decreased quality of habitats are major threats to bird diversity. The present study was designed to detect anthropogenic causative agents that act on waterbird diversity in Tarbella Dam, Indus River, Pakistan. Waterbird censuses were carried out from March 2019 to February 2020 in multiple areas around the dam. A total of 2990 waterbirds representing 63 species were recorded. We detected the highest waterbird richness and diversity at Pehure whereas the highest density was recorded at Kabbal. Human activity impacts seemed to be the main factor determining the waterbird communities as waterbirds were negatively correlated with the greatest anthropogenic impacts. Waterbirds seem to respond rapidly to human disturbance.

Resumo As aves estão entre os melhores bioindicadores, o que pode nos orientar a reconhecer algumas das principais preocupações de conservação dos ecossistemas. Impactos antrópicos como desmatamento, degradação de habitat, modificação de paisagens e diminuição da qualidade dos habitats são as principais ameaças à diversidade de aves. O presente estudo foi desenhado para detectar agentes causadores antropogênicos que atuam na diversidade de aves aquáticas na Represa de Tarbella, rio Indus, Paquistão. Censos de aves aquáticas foram realizados de março de 2019 a fevereiro de 2020 em várias áreas ao redor da barragem. Um total de 2.990 aves aquáticas representando 63 espécies foi registrado. Detectamos a maior riqueza e diversidade de aves aquáticas em Pehure, enquanto a maior densidade foi registrada em Kabbal. Os impactos da atividade humana parecem ser o principal fator determinante das comunidades de aves aquáticas, uma vez que as aves aquáticas foram negativamente correlacionadas com os maiores impactos antrópicos. As aves aquáticas parecem responder rapidamente às perturbações humanas.

Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469281


Abstract Endozoochory by waterbirds is particularly relevant to the dispersal of non-flying aquatic invertebrates. This ecological function exercised by birds has been demonstrated in different biogeographical regions, but there are no studies for the neotropical region. In this work, we identified propagules of invertebrates in faeces of 14 syntopic South American waterbird species representing six families, and hatched additional invertebrates from cultured faeces. We tested whether propagule abundance, species richness and composition varied among bird species, and between the cold and warm seasons. We found 164 invertebrate propagules in faecal samples from seven different waterbirds species, including eggs of the Temnocephalida and Notonectidae, statoblasts of bryozoans (Plumatella sp.) and ephippia of Cladocera. Ciliates (including Paramecium sp. and Litostomatea), nematodes and rotifers (Adineta sp. and Nottomatidae) hatched from cultured samples. Potential for endozoochory was confirmed for 12 of 14 waterbird species. Our statistical models suggest that richness and abundance of propagules are associated with bird species and not affected by seasonality. Dispersal by endozoochory is potentially important to a broad variety of invertebrates, being promoted by waterbirds with different ecological and morphological traits, which are likely to drive the dispersal of invertebrates in neotropical wetlands.

Resumo A endozoocoria promovida por aves aquáticas é particularmente relevante para a dispersão de invertebrados aquáticos não-voadores. Essa função ecológica exercida pelas aves tem sido demonstrada para diferentes regiões biogeográficas, porém, não existem estudos para a região neotropical. Neste trabalho nós identificamos propágulos de invertebrados encontrados em fezes de 14 espécies sintópicas de aves aquáticas da América do Sul, representando seis famílias de aves, e também invertebrados emergidos de amostras fecais cultivadas em laboratório. Testamos se a abundância, riqueza de espécies e composição de propágulos de invertebrados variavam entre as espécies de aves e entre estações. Nós encontramos 164 propágulos de invertebrados em amostras fecais de sete espécies de aves, incluindo ovos de Temnocephalida e Notonectidae, estatoblastos de briozoários (Plumatella sp.) e efípios de Cladocera. Ciliados (incluindo Paramecium sp. e Litostomatea), nematóides e rotíferos (Adineta sp. e Nottomatidae) eclodiram de amostras cultivadas. O potencial para endozoocoria foi confirmado para 12 das 14 espécies de aves aquáticas investigadas. Nossos modelos estatísticos sugerem que a riqueza e abundância de propágulos estão associadas às espécies de aves e não são afetadas pela sazonalidade. A dispersão por endozoocoria é importante para uma ampla variedade de invertebrados, sendo promovida por aves aquáticas com diferentes características ecológicas e morfológicas as quais provavelmente regulam a dispersão de invertebrados entre áreas úmidas neotropicais.

Braz. j. biol ; 84: e251438, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345560


Abstract The northwestern portion of the Upper Paraná Atlantic Forest ecoregion is one of the most disturbed and fragmented areas in the Atlantic Forest, and little is known about the local avifauna. In this study, we have described the composition and diversity of the aquatic avifauna of this region and analyzed the patterns of similarity with respect to the seasonal as well as spatial distribution. We used the line transect sampling technique in six distinct humid areas (including lentic and lotic water bodies) during the dry and rainy seasons of 2012 and 2013. A total of 52 species of waterfowl were recorded. The species richness of the studied areas was surprisingly distinct; only seven waterfowl species, namely Cairina moschata (Linnaeus, 1758), Tigrisoma lineatum (Boddaert, 1783), Rosthramus sociabilis (Vieillot, 1817), Aramus guarauna (Linnaeus, 1766), Vanellus chilensis (Molina, 1782), Jacana jacana (Linnaeus, 1766), and Arundinicola leucocephala (Linnaeus, 1764), were common to these six studied areas. This indicated that the other bird species that were observed might be habitat selective. Moreover, the analysis of the composition of birds in the two seasons (dry and rainy) combined with their spatial distributions showed significant dissimilarities between the areas with lotic (river and constructed wetland) and lentic (lagoons) characteristics. Nevertheless, despite the small extent and low total richness of the entire study area, it was found to be home to 1/3 of all freshwater aquatic birds documented in the state of São Paulo, with the record of 5 migratory species and 11 new species added to the northwest of the state. The heterogeneity of local aquatic environments, habitat selection combined with seasonality, and the absence of other humid locations in the surroundings can explain the diversity and distribution of these birds in the water bodies of this uninvestigated Atlantic Forest ecoregion.

Resumo A porção noroeste da ecorregião Floresta Atlântica do Alto Paraná é uma das mais alteradas e fragmentadas da Mata Atlântica, da qual pouco se sabe sobre a avifauna local. Nosso objetivo foi descrever a diversidade e composição da avifauna aquática, bem como analisar os padrões de similaridade quanto a distribuição temporal e espacial destas aves nesta ecorregião. Utilizamos a transecção linear para amostragem em seis áreas úmidas (corpos d'água lênticos e lóticos), nos períodos de seca e chuva entre 2012 e 2013. Registramos 52 espécies de aves aquáticas e as riquezas das áreas mostraram-se distintas, pois apenas Cairina moschata (Linnaeus, 1758), Tigrisoma lineatum (Boddaert, 1783), Rosthramus sociabilis (Vieillot, 1817), Aramus guarauna (Linnaeus, 1766), Vanellus chilensis (Molina, 1782), Jacana jacana (Linnaeus, 1766), and Arundinicola leucocephala (Linnaeus, 1764) foram comuns às seis áreas, o que indica seleção de habitat. Quando analisada a composição das aves nos dois períodos aliada à distribuição espacial, encontramos dissimilaridades temporais acentuadas entre os ambientes com características lóticas (rio e aterro) e lênticas (lagoas). Isto mostra que, além das diferentes épocas sazonais, é necessário analisar separadamente os diferentes tipos de áreas úmidas. Por fim, apesar da extensão pequena e baixa riqueza total, a área amostrada abrigou 1/3 das aves aquáticas de água doce para o estado de São Paulo, cinco espécies migratórias e 11 novas espécies para o noroeste do estado. A heterogeneidade de ambientes aquáticos locais, forte seleção de habitat aliada à sazonalidade e ausência de outros locais úmidos em seu entorno, explicam a diversidade e distribuição destas aves estreitamente relacionadas aos corpos d'água desta desconhecida ecorregião da Mata Atlântica.

Animais , Aves , Biodiversidade , Estações do Ano , Brasil , Florestas , Ecossistema
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e251197, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1350305


Abstract Birds are among the best bio-indicators, which can guide us to recognize some of the main conservation concerns in ecosystems. Anthropogenic impacts such as deforestation, habitat degradation, modification of landscapes, and decreased quality of habitats are major threats to bird diversity. The present study was designed to detect anthropogenic causative agents that act on waterbird diversity in Tarbella Dam, Indus River, Pakistan. Waterbird censuses were carried out from March 2019 to February 2020 in multiple areas around the dam. A total of 2990 waterbirds representing 63 species were recorded. We detected the highest waterbird richness and diversity at Pehure whereas the highest density was recorded at Kabbal. Human activity impacts seemed to be the main factor determining the waterbird communities as waterbirds were negatively correlated with the greatest anthropogenic impacts. Waterbirds seem to respond rapidly to human disturbance.

Resumo As aves estão entre os melhores bioindicadores, o que pode nos orientar a reconhecer algumas das principais preocupações de conservação dos ecossistemas. Impactos antrópicos como desmatamento, degradação de habitat, modificação de paisagens e diminuição da qualidade dos habitats são as principais ameaças à diversidade de aves. O presente estudo foi desenhado para detectar agentes causadores antropogênicos que atuam na diversidade de aves aquáticas na Represa de Tarbella, rio Indus, Paquistão. Censos de aves aquáticas foram realizados de março de 2019 a fevereiro de 2020 em várias áreas ao redor da barragem. Um total de 2.990 aves aquáticas representando 63 espécies foi registrado. Detectamos a maior riqueza e diversidade de aves aquáticas em Pehure, enquanto a maior densidade foi registrada em Kabbal. Os impactos da atividade humana parecem ser o principal fator determinante das comunidades de aves aquáticas, uma vez que as aves aquáticas foram negativamente correlacionadas com os maiores impactos antrópicos. As aves aquáticas parecem responder rapidamente às perturbações humanas.

Humanos , Ecossistema , Rios , Paquistão , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e250280, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1355867


Abstract Endozoochory by waterbirds is particularly relevant to the dispersal of non-flying aquatic invertebrates. This ecological function exercised by birds has been demonstrated in different biogeographical regions, but there are no studies for the neotropical region. In this work, we identified propagules of invertebrates in faeces of 14 syntopic South American waterbird species representing six families, and hatched additional invertebrates from cultured faeces. We tested whether propagule abundance, species richness and composition varied among bird species, and between the cold and warm seasons. We found 164 invertebrate propagules in faecal samples from seven different waterbirds species, including eggs of the Temnocephalida and Notonectidae, statoblasts of bryozoans (Plumatella sp.) and ephippia of Cladocera. Ciliates (including Paramecium sp. and Litostomatea), nematodes and rotifers (Adineta sp. and Nottomatidae) hatched from cultured samples. Potential for endozoochory was confirmed for 12 of 14 waterbird species. Our statistical models suggest that richness and abundance of propagules are associated with bird species and not affected by seasonality. Dispersal by endozoochory is potentially important to a broad variety of invertebrates, being promoted by waterbirds with different ecological and morphological traits, which are likely to drive the dispersal of invertebrates in neotropical wetlands.

Resumo A endozoocoria promovida por aves aquáticas é particularmente relevante para a dispersão de invertebrados aquáticos não-voadores. Essa função ecológica exercida pelas aves tem sido demonstrada para diferentes regiões biogeográficas, porém, não existem estudos para a região neotropical. Neste trabalho nós identificamos propágulos de invertebrados encontrados em fezes de 14 espécies sintópicas de aves aquáticas da América do Sul, representando seis famílias de aves, e também invertebrados emergidos de amostras fecais cultivadas em laboratório. Testamos se a abundância, riqueza de espécies e composição de propágulos de invertebrados variavam entre as espécies de aves e entre estações. Nós encontramos 164 propágulos de invertebrados em amostras fecais de sete espécies de aves, incluindo ovos de Temnocephalida e Notonectidae, estatoblastos de briozoários (Plumatella sp.) e efípios de Cladocera. Ciliados (incluindo Paramecium sp. e Litostomatea), nematóides e rotíferos (Adineta sp. e Nottomatidae) eclodiram de amostras cultivadas. O potencial para endozoocoria foi confirmado para 12 das 14 espécies de aves aquáticas investigadas. Nossos modelos estatísticos sugerem que a riqueza e abundância de propágulos estão associadas às espécies de aves e não são afetadas pela sazonalidade. A dispersão por endozoocoria é importante para uma ampla variedade de invertebrados, sendo promovida por aves aquáticas com diferentes características ecológicas e morfológicas as quais provavelmente regulam a dispersão de invertebrados entre áreas úmidas neotropicais.

Humanos , Animais , Áreas Alagadas , Invertebrados , Estações do Ano , Aves
Sci Total Environ ; 912: 169286, 2024 Feb 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38104841


Our study considered the excavation of sand and gravel, which modifies the landscapes of riparian ecosystems. It promotes the creation of water bodies with surrounding vegetation, but it also results in the loss of natural habitats. We investigated the species richness, composition, and abundance of aquatic and terrestrial breeding birds and their interaction with three habitat types: managed and abandoned flooded pits, and oxbow lakes. We surveyed 117 sites in medium-sized river valleys in the foreground of the Bohemian Massif (Czech Republic), and in the Carpathian Mountains (Poland, Slovakia) in 2022. Flooded pits were suitable for open-water and colonial birds. Managed flooded pits were also suitable for early successional land birds, but they did not provide habitat for birds that use marshes and wet meadows, or riparian woodlands. The majority of species preferred to breed in oxbow lakes with riparian forests and these areas hosted the highest number of threatened species. We concluded that high levels of disturbance in riparian ecosystems promoted some birds (e.g. colonial or breeding in early-successional habitats), but it negatively affected the overall bird diversity, and it led to a species composition shift with the elimination of taxa associated with indigenous riparian habitats. The importance of flooded pits increases with subsequent plant succession. Our results indicate that gravel or sand mine pits, although beneficial for some taxa, are not substitutes for natural habitats in riparian ecosystems, as they do not support birds breeding in indigenous riparian habitats. Natural oxbow lakes with riparian forests are habitats that need to be preserved to effectively promote local biodiversity.

Ecossistema , Rios , Animais , Areia , Monitoramento Ambiental , Melhoramento Vegetal , Biodiversidade , Florestas , Aves , Água